Stir Crazy in Mesa
Stars and Stripes vs. Maple Leafs
Pat McWherter, , Members, 0
The theme day this year is the Stars and Stripes vs. the Maple Leafs on February 25. Sign up...
Earring found
Peggy Hoolsema, , Members, 0
Earring found on court one. If it’s yours, it’s at 1803. If you know someone from another park that...
By-Law Changes
Karl Dekeukelaere, , Members, 0
In case yu have difficulty downloading the file in the previous email, here is the text. The wording shown...
Resending a Post from Margie Crofoot
Al Lima, , Members, 0
Hello, Tennis Family, We are celebrating Jim Crofoot’s 90th Birthday! When: Tuesday, February 13 @ 12:30 p.m. Where: Crofoot’s Space...
Mary Ann and Bill Stephens
Toni Johnson, , Members, 0
Oops! My original message has the incorrect departure date. They are leaving on Saturday the 23rd.
Court condition
Bill Griffiths, , Members, 0
A couple of things. Since league play is over there is no one assigned each weekday morning to empty...
Bill and Mary Ann Stephen
Toni Johnson, , Members, 0
Good Afternoon, As many of you know, in the past few weeks, Bill Stephens has been hospitalized with major...