First, please help us give a big round of applause to Brenda and Reg Boulet and all their awesome volunteers for a job well done!! with this weekend’s tournament.  We got a lot of thank you’s from participants and requests to do it again.  With that said, we still need club coordinators for next year’s Breakout Tournament and the Pizza Fest/Corn Hole tournament.  Both of the events already have a pool of super volunteers established – we just need people to head up the events.  We will help you.

In addition, more big thank you’s to Sam Friesen and Peggy Hoolsema who have stepped up to fill our court reporter (Sam) and tournament coordinator (Peggy) positions.  Already very busy ladies and we are grateful for their help.

The updated proposed officer and coordinator list has been reposted on the bulletin board and will be voted on at our AGM meeting in two weeks.  See you there and now go have a great day.

©Mesa Regal Tennis Club - a place to find new friends and new fun

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