Dear Memb

I hope by now your team captain have  given you a chance to purchase tickets to our upcoming Tennis Club Dinner/Dance.

As far as I know team captains still have tickets available.  If they sold all they were given, please see( Sue at #1835 or Cathy #1771) for additional tickets.  Our last chance to purchase them will be at our monthly meeting, next Monday,December 4, 2023.  That will also be the day I give out count to our caterer.   Everyone always has a great time and enjoys getting their Christmas  picture as a remembrance.

We hope you plan to join us for a very special evening.

Your party organizers,

Cathy, Bob and Sue

phone numbers:

Sue 217-415-1128

Cathy 760-662-1969


©Mesa Regal Tennis Club - a place to find new friends and new fun

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